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Mimosa and Mai Tai


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Mimosa and Mai Tai

Ever seen a prettier bird? We have almost every color in the rainbow. Their last home had them in an outside aviary and rarely interacted with, so they are somewhat scared of human interaction. They do make the best noise though and with a little bit of millet and a whole lot of patience could be wonderful companions.

Update: 07/31/21 These two are still very hand shy but are loving their fruits, veggies, and mash every morning in the new foster home. They love to shred small wood blocks, anything paper or made of balsa wood. They are very bonded and love to sit on their swing together chatting and swinging. They are a ton of fun to watch and would make great companions for someone that just wants a companion in the room to listen to, sing with, and talk to.


Mimosa and Mai Tai


Age or hatch date:




Best qualities:

They love to talk and twitter, and will mow down a millet sprig.

Favorite food:

Millet and carrots

Favorite toys:

Anything shreddable- cardboard, paper, raffia

Dowel or step-up trained:

Working on it


Hand shy and fairly skittish



Health issues:


Gets along with birds:

They have coexisted in the same room as other birds, but they have not been able to interact with them.

Gets along with dogs:


Gets along with cats:


Gets along with kids:


Foster home has expressed interest in adopting this bird:

1/12/22, 8:48 PM

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